Tuesday, 8 September 2015


Posted by Unknown

I purchased this lovely looking kitchen utensil from www.dealdey.com called Onion and Vegetable Chopper and as the name implied its suppose to do the work very effective right?

4 reasons why I purchased it:

1. Portability

2. Affordable

3. Can chop onions, garlic and also chop vegetables which makes the work stress free

4. And its not a bad item to add to your kitchen utensil gadget.

I finally decided to use it over the weekend. First I tried using it to chop onions which turned into a muscle task I sent the onions straight to the chopping board; Since it could not handle onions then pepper and tomatoes will be a waste of time so I didn't bother trying; but I really wanted to know what this gadget could do for my kitchen.

I still have garlic and ginger to chop and the image on the pack showed exactly how this gadget can chop garlic into tiny bit which seems lovely. Low and behold, Onion and Vegetable Chopper could not do the work it was paid to do and I started screaming scam in my head. I sent my ginger and garlic straight to the chopping board, washed this fancy piece of gadget and I sent it to the shelve which will be there for decoration till further notice.

I love kitchen duty but having attractive, portable, usable gadget for my kitchen is an added advantage to my kitchen but don't scam me.

My verdict for this ONION & VEGETABLE CHOPPER is a big NO


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